Sunday, April 21, 2013

Article Review: Clothes From the Future

E-textile - worn by soldiers to help doctors find the exact location of the bullet wounds.
Heatex - waterproof and windproof jacket that generates heat to the controlled temperature.
Bioman Fabric - Monitors heart rate, skin temperature, and respiration rate and send information to smart phone app.
Superomniphobic Coating - The fabric will never get wet because water can't penetrate it. It's stain and  bacteria free and has resistant corrosive acid.

Future Waiting Development
Fitnessshirt - A shirt that monitors heart rate, breathing, and posture
Smart Bra - Sports bra that can monitor cell mutation (breast cancer) in the breast before they are discovered by mammogram.
Smart E-pants - Pants that stimulate muscles in the butt to prevent sour.
Sensoria Fitness Socks - Socks that monitor weight distribution (in the feet) and form of feet while in use (standing, walking, running).

Augment Smart Phone App - Can control and show 3D video models out from shirts.
Virtual Fitting Rooms - Can detect clothing size and and find matching items and have a screen for viewing the shopper in a particular clothing.

Main Concepts

  • Recycling - It'll be harder to recycle e-textiles since it's a combination of electronics and fabric.
  • Electronics - Electronics is now everywhere in our lives, and in the future it's even going to be in our clothes.
  • Creative - These e-textile clothing are creative ideas, but it's trend depends on it's real usability.
  • It can protect the soldiers from the cold at night or detect locations of bullets to help them or spare their lives even.
  • These clothing items will create better health because it monitors the well being of our body.
  • Just imagine how much money has to be spent in creating it and how much it'll cost the buyer. Thus, it's not accessible to everyone.
  • Some aren't very useful to people who aren't soldiers compared to the cost and it's not necessary to  have. It's just something fun and creative.
  1. How much will it cost once it's out in the market?
  2. Is it really worth it to buy these cool futuristic clothes?
Danny. "Vizual Archive." Vizual Archive. Shirtworks, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2013. <>.

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