Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Facebook Home

Usually you access your phone first then go to the social network app. Facebook Home
is an app that makes users start off with Facebook and then go through a launcher to access other functions on your phone. They said their goal is to put people first. Facebook is trying to convert the model to fit the smaller screen.

Main Concept

  • Social Network - Social networks, like Facebook, help people connect together and they find ways to make usage easier.
  • Business - Facebook's goal is to increase their business and to make people open Facebook more
  • Creativity - Facebook is creative in getting people to access Facebook easier. Thus benefiting them too.
  • For people who are "Facebook addicts", Facebook Home is a very desirable app because they can access Facebook even easier and faster.
  • Facebook can profit more and increase their popularity and benefit a lot from this app.
  • Facebook Home will make people even more addicted to Facebook, spending more time on Facebook and not doing what we should be doing.
  • Facebook Home can make us waste more time. Instead of making a phone call or accessing other functions in the phone, we spend time glancing through Facebook first.
  1. Is the Facebook Home really a necessary or good app to have on your phone considering that it'll make you waste so much more time?
  2. Will Facebook Home become a popular thing or will it just be a quick trend that dies away quickly?
Etherington, Darrell. "The App Is Not Enough: Why We Might See More Companies Try Mobile Land Grabs After Facebook Home." TechCrunch RSS. AOL Inc., 07 Apr. 2013. Web. 07 Apr. 2013. <>.

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